preset curvature
at the East-West parable
light distortions
tales lure my finger
to a dimmed screen
a new password curls up
on the tip of a touch
presidential preference
the cursor’s menu
points to insecurity
what you follow in fog
is not a firefly
it’s the winged move
of a banana moon
peeling itself out of light
then almost dark
Euphrates and Tigris
keep washing waters
he cradle’s red cedar
swings sleep on a baby’s eye
eye of a Sufi
neither a blink nor a linear
on a sandy stage the dancers’
whirl well beyond slow oil
Silently in My Hide
the verses’ flux may collaborate with the tongue of a salamander.
I remember myself walking through oak woods where once we found
the creature petrified under volcanic ashes. The ambiguous dream
lands along red scars in a cloud of insects. Later I recognize
intonations coming off a bar, off injured corpses looked into dope.
We share the harbor’s sweet water faucet. Fishermen filleting albacore.
“Nautical blood”, we say interacting with the mother of no corners
happy at home in salty seas. None of us expecting border clashes.
Our nightgowns’ kaleidoscopic textures lighted by shooting stars.
Angled straws in coke bubbles sway like post in a forgotten bottle.
Breath shaping upward/downward transitions.
“Cloning rain” whispers a voice behind curtains we forgot to shut.
Unnamed Visible
summer is hiding
in a single cloud
her absence
tender lodging please don’t say more about humming
followed to the beach
by sand
the unnamed dune
from darted air the color of her skin gliding
a kite
no visible pull
at the end of a string
Hours on My Path
1 a.m. to 12 a.m.
The night with no address in her silk gown flex it brushes the glass bowl
I am making sketches
from a pulse of a carp’s mouth
a deep sea dream calling motion unidentified in disposition
names become shifted
locations metastasized
on piano keys one finger moves on to c b holds
only half a step lower
black space heard in a pause
like a heron in no action upstream dozing the raft’s man
spilling gin spilling spasm
Midsummer over willows
pebbles in my sponge like tears on an albatross I greet the fetal shoreline
as if there will be learning
on the longitude of sailors
the light house keeper his goal seems about fixtures and wattage
he dares to touch the switch
at this early hour
perhaps tea he thinks green innocent this sweetness
when the Port looks oily
it’s for the behavioral science
this loose laughter feather-light vibrations on April Fool
from a far country side
the donkey I hear
stage-time rehearsal warriors hanging around their theological warfare
when a plastic horse opens
out jumps the clown
tightly shut like a white fur in winter his airmail letter arrives
the postman waves
but why is everything floating
on our bikers’ course with the seventh gear up hill we’re loosing weight
on a cliff inward
outward only curves
at the Marina in the pool a dolphin is balancing the only ball left
couldn’t we also let dance
ourselves on noses
Tailored Pillows
It floats I trace it
keeping sand
corals sway in one direction
tenderly seized
not pure
my shivers’ shelter
walking with small buildings
adjusted addresses
over and paused
in how little
I don’t mind doors
hours we find repeated
July-yellow stares at spots
leaving it oracular
apples and eves
a quotation sours
running out of lips
the sweat
mosquitoes come to lick
help may be tailored
magnified on pillows
hair arrangements
as I lift the pile
not escorted
combing the air at dawn
this alone
only invitational
words relocated
The Tightrope Walker
locked into the alphabet
of a life time rehearsal
balancing this borrowed
shape of his breath
such a meeting rings
in red-mouthed flowers
the bell
sure of fatigued satin
like domesticated dew
cell-ventured water
leaving the mother
with a just-born child
as the first teeth tickle
before they will bite
applying a verse
with the woman-tide drifting
an uproar
at the intersection
stuck with unchanging yellow
a banana slug
slow as an barometer
laying bare an ease we crave for
and two ants
licking her tail
the trail of dots
as the eyes on my screen
go astray
when an electric impulse
sends a real time out of sight
Fairy Waters
along their own responses
she holds her fingertips
circle to circle
in perspective
could one be
part of the bow
the sound
of two curved tongues
dialing the fiber
lit by a stranger’s question
incongruous a cry
in the night of the matter
dream words’ proximity
they seem to get closer
to a nearby spider tent
erecting an angle over
a base one dares to trust
things she warms
are not departing
through rays of pine a shift
away from talk with others
keel over down to silence
half turned a face
habitual is the moon
wing from
the more absent
ivory-feathered attention
bird can you call closer
the color of coming
in layers gestured
stone from inside out
pulsing blue veins
in search of entering
prime numbers of the sea
This Is An Early Knot
vocalic in its twist
or a bud reddening
against a teenager’s blush
thorns not dissolved
bent and thirsty
the opening gestures
of a sprinter
the movements pairing
shaded in shoulder blades
the moon arrested
as if its weight can push white
out of balance
out of traversing
light on neck or balcony
snake please come
write into loose sand
your question marks
fleeing permanently
with traces of hers and mine
watery winds
their impermanence
at the flight
of animals and impositions
out of reach not trusted
metastasized contour
the fiber optics of a city
humming zero / one
in a lake of messengers
wet mouths shut then open
under the wings
of five lines
what you saw first
is not her hand
swatting a fly
it’s your winged wish
swarming in the dark
make-up mirrored
when two flies arch
over her eyebrows
causing the feeling
of slowly imagined guests
a fly steps down
the flux of rosé
in glasses departing
some visible signs
and others
frozen snow
to my stove invited
creeps one fly
both alone we consider
not to stay both alone
no need to learn more
about flies and us
feet crawling under
wing-patterned sheets
Not Even Daylight eyes half closed before the screen
the charm of black typefaces awakening under fingertips.
The positive relates to the negative, dimmed spaces we discussed
left alone to the intelligence of the motherboard.
It’s like the risks of a young remarkable decision, accidentally
being here with us and still shy, responding unrestrained.
Much is sponsored by the city of waters we left ill-considered
now we are lovers of perpetuation, vertically received a preference.
Parallels turn into circles, their radii squeezed by tentacles
the pantomime on demand still blushing from kisses by both sexes.
Masks and feathered icons talk to themselves on a slanted stage
when a dancer’s build-in compass needle stops and becomes an arrow.
The horizon a mutual arrangement, it may confuse blood structures
the smile of a stewardess, a whale, unpicked goddesses, chalk.
Drifts by Contract
my sail is sea reflected
adapted to a dolphin’s dream
not yet netted
a drift on cocaine
the dramatis personae
contract in swimming
fleeing the waters
silence in the bath
of a glass blower’s cast
his breath becomes an eagle
escaping hands